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Shouldn’t it be easier to CALIBRATE your nutrient

levels so you can

EAT to be your BEST?

Wondering what your macro and micronutrient intake should be?

That’s what CALIBRATE is all about!


How Calibrate Works

Powered by Diet ID

This revolutionary new nutrient assessment and digital report gives you everything you need to CALIBRATE where you are now … and what foods and nutrient levels will fuel you to your health and performance goals.


Start with an easy 2-minute click through assessment.   

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Your personalized CALIBRATE report gives you detailed estimated and recommended dietary data points, including:

  • Body Mass Index

  • Eating Quality Score 

  • Macronutrient intake

  • Micronutrient intake

  • Food group intake

  • Energy intake

  • Eating Style Recommendations

  • Specific Food Recommendations


These data points can be integrated into MyMenu’s EAT and TRACK features so you can most accurately CALIBRATE your progress. 

About Calibrate

Diet ID is the brainchild of David Katz, MD, MPH, a renowned global public health and nutrition expert, with the vision to make “diet” a vital ID sign – just as blood pressure, resting heart rate, blood glucose levels, and other health metrics are.  Rooted in decades of research and validation, Diet ID offers a revolutionary way to measure the healthfulness of how a person eats – in just 2 minutes – using the power of pictures and the scientifically validated Healthy Eating Index scoring system.


The Diet ID technology service has a strong commitment to science in its DNA - from the way it works, to how its performance is gauged.  Dr. Katz has enlisted a team of prominent health scientists and researchers as advisors from prestigious higher ed systems, including Stanford, Harvard, Tufts, Cal State Long Beach and others. So far, in published studies comparing it to both the Food Frequency Questionnaire and 24-Hr Recall, Diet ID has shown highly significant correlations with these much more laborious approaches. Early data - on biomarkers, and nutrient intake - suggest Diet ID may be outperforming the standard tools. Many thousands of users rate the Diet ID assessment near 95% of their true way of eating.


The Diet ID assessment and scoring tool provides the foundation for a long-term personalized blueprint for optimizing health, performance and wellbeing. 

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